Frontline Response

May 10, 2010

My initial response to this video was that it was anti-technology. In some instances, it is, and I believe the narrator leans more towards that conclusion. However, it covers both sides of the argument. There are ups and downs that come with this digital age, just as there are with any period in history. The invention of firearms, for example, both improved strategies in war time and increased violence outside of war.

The segment I was interested in was the one about gaming in Asia. I myself play a lot of video games in my free time, so this one caught my attention. An argument they made was that many kids are addicted to gaming. This is not just in Asia, but across the globe. I believe that many people really are addicted, and it is a problem. At the same time, I love video games. I keep my play time under control by doing other things such as graphic design and writing. But come to think of it, I do both of those things on my computer. This is by no means a bad thing. Typing on the computer is much faster than writing with a pen, and the same goes for designing images.

This video sheds light on many problems that have come along with technology. Tech will not go away no matter what we do. We just need to learn to use it wisely and not let it take over our lives.


April 28, 2010

This is my Photoshop Collage project after it has been traced in Adobe Illustrator.

March 27, 2010

This is a mapping of the alien invasion and destruction of Earth. Don’t worry, folks. It won’t happen for another century and a half.

Mapping: Ron Fricke

March 10, 2010

Ron Fricke is a notable director and cinematographer, though his name is not among the recognizable ones of contemporary filmography. In 1992, he directed a film entitled “Baraka”. It was a silent film. This was a very unique way of “mapping” the spectrum of the goings-on of the world, from beauty to atrocity. It depicts the calmness of the unpopulated north and the chaos of large cities like New York and China. A more familiar film Fricke worked on was Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. He filmed the eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily for one scene in the movie.

Photoshop Collage

February 22, 2010

Hello world!

February 1, 2010

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